Aurora Carbonell

Aurora Carbonell is 47 years old and was born in the city of Alicante in Spain on 14 August 1976. Aurora Carbonell is, as per numerology, has the Life Path number 9. She's an actor on the television. She is best known for playing recurring characters in several TV series, including El Comisario Hospital Central and El Secreto de Puente Viejo. Also, her part in the film of 2003, "Mas de mil camaras come to your Seguridad", she is best known for playing Lorena. The number 9 Life Path individual is constantly on the quest for experience and growth. People who are Life Path Number 9 such as Aurora Carbonell are always searching for new experiences, more knowledge more deep talks and the next exciting adventure. In September of 2019, she shared a photo on Instagram along with Peter Lindbergh. Candace Cameron Bure, Tia Mowry Sarah Paulson & Tamera Mowry are also her acquaintances.

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